The ENERJOY Bathroom Comfort Center®
The ENERJOY Bathroom Comfort Center® is the only all-inclusive, energy-efficient heating, lighting and ventilation system designed specifically for bathrooms. It provides twice the comfort of other heating systems using only half the energy.
The compact Bathroom Comfort Center provides clean, quiet radiant heat with a ceiling-mounted ENERJOY heat panel. Centered within the heat panel are a room light, a night light, and a low sone (less noise) fan for ventilation and exhaust. Accurate temperature is monitored with a Euro-white air diaphragm thermostat, and a 3-rocker Decora switch is used to control lighting.
The radiant comfort of ENERJOY is comparable to the warmth one feels when stepping into the sunshine on a warm spring day. Users can realize even greater energy-savings by treating heat like lights, turning the heat up when entering and down upon exiting the bathroom.
‘Green’ ENERJOY panels are low in wattage and high in performance. A single 2’x4’ panel will comfortably heat a 35 to 40 sq. foot bathroom using only 400 watts. (Compare that to a 1600-watt hairdryer!)
Since the ENERJOY Comfort Center is ceiling-mounted, one gains the advantage of using all valuable bathroom floor and wall space. ENERJOY heat panels never need maintenance, and are as easy to install as a light fixture. The ceiling white unit may be painted with latex paint.
The unit can be ordered in either 120 or 240 volts in various sizes based upon use for primary or supplemental heating needs. ENERJOY panels are light-weight and are easy to install.
For bathrooms that already have ventilation and lighting, a standard ENERJOY panel can be used as the primary or supplemental heat source.
photo credit by Heating Green